Tuesday, December 24th
3:45pm - Children’s Christmas Pageant
4:00pm - Children’s Christmas Vigil Mass
9:00pm - Christmas Eve Mass
Wednesday, December 25th
7:00am - Christmas Mass at Dawn
(St. Francis Xavier Chapel – St. George Island)
10:30am - Christmas Mass of the Day
*No Vietnamese Mass at 12:30pm Christmas Day
Menu: $15 Pho (Beef Noodle Soup), $8 Chicken or Pork Banh Mi; $5/2 or $10/5 Vietnamese Egg Roll; $5 Vietnamese Ice Coffee; Thai Ice Tea; Milk Tea (With Brown Sugar/Boba). Limited Quantity - Please call early to order. Taking orders until December 1st. Call Thomas Than at 713-309-0505 or text him your order. Cash or Check only! Make check payable to St. George Catholic Church.
Please sign up what side dish or dessert you will be bringing and how many will be attending. There are signup sheets in the vestibule of the church after Masses this weekend.
Please don't forget to register your children for Faith Formation this year. You can register them on this website or there are forms in the vestibule of the church. You can also contact Therese Thacker at 301-994-0737 or [email protected] Classes will be starting soon!
Come get your Crab Cake Dinner -- Carry-Out only
Dinner consists of 3 crab cakes, fried chicken, ham, potatoes, green beans, beets and dinner rolls.
Cost: $30.00
Bake Goods will also be sold.
Congratulations to Father Joseph Heisey. He was ordinated to the Priesthood on June 15, 2024 at the National Shrine of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Washington DC. We wish him well in his new assignment in his service to the Church.
May Jesus and Mary go with him as he takes the next step in his spiritual journey. We will all be praying for him! He will be greatly missed!! We thank him for all hisservice at St. George's!
St. Francis Xavier Mission Chapel will open for the Summer after Memorial Day, beginning on Saturday, June 1st, 2024 on St. George island. The 7:00 PM Mass will be held from June 1st to August 31st, 2024 (Labor Day weekend).
Knights of Columbus St. Joseph's Pilgrim Icon The icon of St. Joseph's will be be here on Friday, April 26th from 5 pm to 7 pm. Please join us for Holy Hour and devotion to St. Joseph. All are welcome!
Please join us in the church at 3pm on Sunday, April 7th for the chanting of the Divine Mercy Chaplet for world peace, conversion of sinners and souls of our loved ones in purgatory.